A special Sunday post just to take a moment to celebrate the fact that this blog has been running now, every Tuesday, since June 15, 2009, when I introduced myself in the post “Who is Philip Athans?”

Since then 268,135 visitors have viewed 782 posts 578,065 times. That’s a total of 889,938 words across 781 posts on the art and craft of writing fantasy, science fiction, horror, and fiction in general.

And we’re still going strong, even in the last year or so adding new venues to the Fantasy Author’s Handbook family.

Every post now ends with this list of links:

Fantasy Author’s Handbook is now on YouTube!

Did this post make you want to Buy Me A Coffee

Send me a book from my Amazon Wishlist

Follow me on Twitter/X @PhilAthans

Link up with me on LinkedIn

Join our group on GoodReads

And our group on Facebook

Find me at PublishersMarketplace

Check out my eBay store

Or contact me for editing, coaching, ghostwriting, and more at Athans & Associates Creative Consulting?

And I invite you to click on those now. Join the GoodReads and Facebook groups—they’re free. Subscribe to the YouTube channel—it’s also free.

There’s one collection of The Best of Fantasy Author’s Handbook out there and I hope to get a second volume out this year. This is what it looks like, and of course the image links to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, which they have asked me to remind you of.

If you’re one of the 268,135… thank you! If you’re new to the blog, welcome!

I feel as though I’ve just gotten started.

Oh, and as always, absolutely not one word of this post was in any way generated by any version of an “AI” or Large Language Model.

—Philip Athans


About Philip Athans

Philip Athans is the New York Times best-selling author of Annihilation and a dozen other books including The Guide to Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction, and Writing Monsters. His blog, Fantasy Author’s Handbook, (https://fantasyhandbook.wordpress.com/) is updated every Tuesday, and you can follow him on Twitter @PhilAthans.
This entry was posted in authors helping authors, authors to writers, best fantasy blogs, best genre fiction blogs, best horror blogs, best science fiction blogs, best websites for authors, best websites for writers, Books, characters, Dungeons & Dragons, E-Books, fiction writing blog, fiction writing websites, freelance editing, freelance writing, help for writers, helping writers become authors, horror novels, how to write fantasy, how to write fiction, how to write horror, how to write science fiction, indie publishing, monsters, POD, Publishing Business, Pulp Fiction, RPG, Science Fiction & Fantasy Novels, Science Fiction Story, science fiction technology, SF and Fantasy Authors, Story Structure, technology, transmedia, websites for authors, websites for writers, writers to authors, Writing, writing advice, Writing Community, writing fantasy, writing horror, writing science fiction, Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.


  1. Janetta Maclean says:

    Congratulations! 🥳🎉

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